A PhD in Motherhood
My mother was a sweet, caring woman who was blessed with six children: five boys and one girl. My wife was the only girl of three siblings. When both my mom and mother-in-law transitioned from independent living to assisted living, my wife and sister were the ones who ensured their physical, mental, and emotional needs were taken care of.
I believe my mom and mother-in-law did not love their sons less, but their daughters simply understood them better. Their understanding came from years of an established mother and daughter relationship. My mom and mother-in-law were experts in both raising children and understanding the role of a daughter. They offered solutions that the daughter could understand, like they had a PhD in motherhood.
During the time their mothers resided in assisted living facilities, the daughters oversaw the little things such as clean laundry, food preparation and connections between family members.
My mom and mother-in-law enjoyed the frequent updates on the happenings of other family members, always lending a friendly ear to offer their concerns, perspectives and wisdom.
Both my mom and mother-in-law went through hospice before passing on. Despite the emotional stress of losing a parent and best friend, both my sister and wife ensured that both women had the highest level of comfort offered before their passing. The daughters made sure their burial wishes were carried out to the fullest extent.
“They offered solutions that the daughter could understand, like they had a PhD in motherhood.”
When my mom and mother-in-law passed, my sister and wife each experienced grief and dealt with the feeling of a new void forming within them. Although they knew this time was coming, the pain of losing their mother and best friend was intense. Fortunately, my wife and sister each have at least one daughter. When I hear the conservations between my daughters and wife, I know that they are passing on the love and wisdom that their mothers gave to them, starting the same cycle all over again.
John Kirst is married with 2 daughters, 2 grand daughters and a grandson. He has 5 dogs and is a lifelong learner who enjoys reading.