Earn volunteer hours
If you write letters of love, we can provide our own signed volunteer hours form for your time.
We only offer volunteer hours through our own form, which you can only access with a personal, non-school Google account. If your school requests a special form, try presenting ours or ask a teacher or advisor to verify your hours.
Start a letter-writing volunteer chapter
Join dozens of high school and college student groups who meet at least once per month to pen letters of love and/or volunteer in local senior communities. We’re looking for motivated, passionate young leaders to start chapters at their schools.
Host a letter drive at your school
Make sure to get permission from a school administrator to put your letter drive mailbox in a designated area. Then, spread the word around campus!
Use service learning in the classroom
Guide your students’ letter writing, read our book and request an author visit, or encourage students to read an inspiring older adult’s story.