Leaving a Legacy
I was blessed to have known all 4 of my grandparents and to have had them in my life until my early 20's. Each of my grandparents were involved in World War II. One of my grandmothers volunteered in the U.S., and the other served overseas. Both of my grandfathers served in the war and worked for Kodak until they retired.
I remember when my paternal grandfather would take out his dentures repeatedly, just to make us laugh. I would sit on my grandparents' patio, drink iced tea, and talk to them for hours. I can still smell the award winning roses in their backyard. My paternal grandmother was one of the nicest people you could ever meet.
I remember the camping trips with my maternal grandparents. My grandmother and I had long walks where we would talk about anything and everything. We once went camping and I forgot my fishing pole. I used my craftiness to make one out of a stick and some fishing line. My grandfather was so proud of my ingenuity and the number of perches that I caught with it, and he and my grandmother cleaned and packaged the 40-something fish to bring home.
All of my grandparents gave me a little bit of themselves that I still carry with me today. My paternal grandmother was the most giving person that anyone could meet - I have that characteristic from her. My maternal grandmother loved to play bingo and would often take her grandkids with her, and I love bingo because of this. My paternal grandfather had a great sense of humor and creativity. These are the gifts that he gave me.
I was asked to speak at my maternal grandmother’s funeral. I was at a loss, and did not know what to say to honor her memory. It struck me that I could talk about the legacy that she left behind, and to make sure that others think about the legacy that they will leave behind too. I think about that everyday. I am forever grateful for the time that my grandparents spent with me and I miss them, but know that they are with me everyday. I know that I am a better person because I am always thinking about the legacy that I am leaving behind.
I am thankful for the many memories that I have of my grandparents. Even if family cannot be with us everyday, we are in their thoughts and are never far from their hearts.
Catherine Schaurer
is a wife, mother, sister, daughter and a friend. She is a people person, who inherited the gift of gab from each of her grandparents. Catherine works in customer service and is obtaining her Bachelor's degree in Human Resources. She is grateful for what she has learned about herself during this difficult year, and looks forward to the future, where she is sure she will be where she is meant to be.